Muu nimi/muut nimet: [FIRST WORLD WAR BATTLESHIPS AND DESTROYERS 1] [Allocated]
Vuosi: 1918
Kesto: 22 mins
Kuvaus: Medium shot of Thornycroft V Class destroyer steaming at speed. Medium long shot off port quarter of two battleships - the nearest is HMS Canada preceded by an Iron Duke flying a kite balloon. Long shot of two Iron Dukes in a choppy sea - they have guns trained over the port beam. Long shot of a Royal Sovereign Class battleship in calm coastal waters - a sister ship in the background. Extreme long shot of a K Class submarine on the surface with SS airship nearby - destroyer at screen right. Medium shot off port quarter of small quarterdeck steamer as it makes away from camera - destroyer pen in the background. Extreme long shot as cameraship crosses line of approaching battleships with destroyer screen - battleships fly kite balloons. Long shot of a cruiser possibly Boadicea Class. Destroyer escorts - a destroyer comes hard a'port, an Admiralty S Class steams at speed - a V/W Class in the background, HMS Noble (G.9A) passes left to right. Long shot sequence as Iron Dukes steam in line for a shoot - the wind carries the dense funnel smoke ahead of the ships to merge with low clouds of the overcast sky. Medium shot in anchorage as cameraship passes HMS Revenge. Long shot of Royal Sovereigns at sea as line comes round to starboard. Long shot to units of 2nd Battle Squadron - a King George V, Erin, Agincourt - the sun is low on the sea and the ships are seen in silhouette. Medium shots of HMS Valentine (F.30) and HMS Vesper (F.39). Extreme long shot of Queen Elizabeth Class battleships on the horizon with escorting V Class destroyer. Medium shot of Thornycroft V Class destroyer (as opening shot). Long shots of Royal Sovereign Class battleships. Long shot over calm sea to British battleship passing one of its American counterparts. Long shots of a line of Iron Dukes at sea - once again the most notable feature is the dense pall of funnel smoke. Pan across anchorage - Iron Duke Class ships are anchored in the foreground, the nearest possibly Benbow. Medium shot broad on port quarter of HMS Malaya at sea - she has turrets trained round to starboard. Medium close-up track from stern to bow along starboard side of anchored Cambrian Class cruiser. Miscellaneous long shots of a Boadicea Class (?) cruiser, Royal Sovereign and Iron Duke Class battleships. Two Queen Elizabeths - Barham leading Malaya with an Admiralty R Class destroyer, probably HMS Rowena as part of the escort. Long shots of Iron Duke and Orion Class battleships, a Marksman Class Leader and a M Class destroyer HMS Noble (G.9A). A destroyer at sea lowers a boat while underway. Medium shot of HMS Queen Elizabeth from quarterdeck of HMS Canada - at frame left a crewman cleans the muzzle of one of Canada's 6-inch guns. Medium shot over focsle of cameraship to two Iron Dukes steaming in line ahead. An anchorage - HMS Romola (G.15) passes left to right before an Iron Duke. At sea - Royal Sovereign Class battleship in line ahead of cameraship. Long shot of a line of Iron Dukes led by Emperor of India with kite balloon. Final views from a destroyer passing beneath Forth Bridge and out to sea.
Miscellaneous naval footage of the First World War period.
Avainsanat: EFG1914 / World War I / Royal Navy, CANADA (HMS), battleship / Royal Navy, Noble / Royal Navy, Revenge / Royal Navy, Valentine / Royal Navy, Vesper / Royal Navy, Malaya / Royal Navy, BARHAM (HMS), battleship / Royal Navy, Rowena / Royal Navy, Queen Elizabeth / Royal Navy, Romola / Royal Navy, EMPEROR OF INDIA (HMS), battleship / ships, British naval - battleship: Canada / ships, British naval - battleship: Revenge / ships, British naval - battleship: Barham / ships, British naval - battleship: Malaya / ships, British naval - battleship: Queen Elizabeth / ships, British naval - battleship: Emperor of India / ships, British naval - destroyer: Noble (G.9A) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Valentine (F.30) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Vesper (F.39) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Romola (G.15) / ships, British naval - destroyer: Rowena / ships, British naval - battleship: Iron Duke Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Queen Elizabeth Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Royal Sovereign Class / ships, British naval - battleship: Orion Class / ships, British naval - cruiser: Cambrian Class / ships, British naval - destroyer: Thornycroft V Class / ships, British naval - submarine: K Class & [-] / 12/3(26)
Sisältölähde: Imperial War Museums
Oikeudet: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Väri: Black & White
Sound: Without sound